Commitment to Employee Development

Airport waiting area - black and white imageRCS is dedicated to improving not only our customers’ lives but we also have strong commitments to our employee development. Projects Technician/Installer Cory Grant is certified in CPR and First-Aid for Professional Rescue, a certified Lifeguard, Health Care Provider, and a Trainer for all of these certifications. To date, he has trained and certified one-third of RCS employees in First-aid and First Response in an effort to increase our awareness and knowledge of personal safety, and to allow us to help those in need.

Recently returning from a customer install, Cory was waiting to board a flight back to New Hampshire when he was presented with a situation where his CPR and First Aid skills were urgently needed.  A fellow traveler in the airport, a stranger, experienced a heart attack while passing by Cory. Below, Cory tells his story of this intense moment:

“As I stand patiently in line waiting to board, I watch you walk behind your wife and then fall down. At that time your life is mine. Nothing mattered, nor did boarding, and coming home like I had been waiting to do. I took you in my hands and directed people to help assure you. Your wife; looking at me and then looking into her eyes and seeing her fear. I knew I couldn’t stop. People are coming…. just wait. I still had you under my palms doing what I never thought I would do again. Minutes passed, and my name was called over the intercom to board. I kept going, and it felt like hours. I knew I couldn’t stop. I didn’t. Everyone has boarded, [AED] patches were put on, then I hear a cough. I roll you to your side, and look at your wife, she says thanks and cries. I was speechless…..I hug her and say ‘You’re welcome’.”

It’s moments like these that we take pride in our commitment to our employees, and honor those who do the same. Today, we suggest you take a moment and hug your employees, your customers, and your partners. Life is always full of surprises. (And in case you’re wondering, the airline did hold the plane for Cory and he made it safely back to us!)

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