RCS Support

For Immediate Support call 1 (800) 417-3030 x2
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST

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Remote Support

Business systems down? IE register, or site-down and business-critical support calls always take priority. With remote access capabilities, we quickly and effectively troubleshoot system errors.

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Customer Care Portal

Initiate a support ticket, follow and manage existing tickets. Don’t have access? Email Customer Support Team.

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Preferred Care Portal

Ensure your business thrives and maximize your potential with a comprehensive support package for your retail success.

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NCR User Portal

  • Training: Continue your education with our product experts as you learn how to optimize the features within your NCR Counterpoint product suite.
  • Support: Stay informed on current happenings and updates with our newsletters, press releases, and more.
  • News and Events: Your one resource for software updates, questions, and overall NCR Counterpoint feedback.
Access the NCR Portal
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NCR Counterpoint Help

Locate how-to’s and setup guides. Provides answers to features/functions for the current Counterpoint version.

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