We’re Expanding!

Office construction
We’ve been doing a lot of growing here at RCS lately. A LOT! So I’d like to give you all an update on what we’ve been working on as of late.

First thing’s first. We just returned from the NCR Partner Conference and we’ve been notified that we are the #1 Business Partner in the NCR Specialty Retail (Counterpoint) channel! This is exciting news for us, and we couldn’t have done it without all of you, our clients and partners!

The next big payoff in our hard work is that we’re undergoing a bit of construction here in ole’ Enfield, NH. We’re making room for more employees downstairs and renovating the whole shebang. For those of you who have visited our facility before, remember the Production room with the big table and where Paul, Dustin and Geff all called home? Well here’s a couple pictures of what that looks like now…

We’ve also expanded our offices outside of New England. We’ve got a new office in Fort Collins, Colorado officially open March 1st! We’re going to focus this office on sales and training, to offer our growing customer base more support, plus it’s Colorado, and it’s beautiful out there. Check out some of the photos from our new office and training room:

New Classroom New Conference Room Third floor suite office

New Office Suite with Foothills View

It’s been wicked awesome (Go New England!) watching this whole process unfold, and we hope to reach our goals in providing even better support, and some new services which will be rolling out soon! We’ll keep you updated on the process here in the newsroom.

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