November Customer Spotlight – Girl Scouts

Customer Spotlight

Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana

Spotlight of the month - Girls Scouts PatchWho doesn’t love Girl Scout Cookies? Meet one of our newest customers that we are pretty excited about (cause we sure love us some cookies).

About Girl Scouts GCNWI:
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana are a large division of Girl Scouts USA. They are in the top 5 councils with overall sales (and they sell much more than just cookies) and their council is in service to nearly 65,000 girls. Other than the six retail locations, they also have three trading post locations (seasonal camp stores) and a mobile van used for product program sales.

Why they choose RCS and Counterpoint:
Jennifer Wood, the Director of Retail at Girl Scouts GCNWI, is an NCR Counterpoint veteran and longtime friend of RCS. Prior to working with the Girl Scouts, Jennifer was key player in the adoption, implementation, and success of Counterpoint at Chicago’s Ravina Festival. When she started with Girl Scouts as their director of retail, she immediately saw a need for a new point of sale system. NCR Counterpoint will help the Girl Scouts better optimize their retail stores and allow them to further focus on their mission of building “girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.”

How is RCS going to solve the Girl Scout’s needs:
With the use of CP Mobile and NRO, along with Secure Pay and NCR Merchant Services, the Girl Scouts of GCNWI council will be operating at a much higher level of efficiency. By streamlining many of the moving parts in the Girl Scouts organization with Counterpoint, it will make the business more systematic and productive.

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